sâmbătă, 28 decembrie 2013

Squeezed out

Only a short intro today that's actually from a previous post.

[And God said "No more!"]

Squeezed out

[I'm flattered and honored yet hated,
All the more alike with each passing second.]

And so I've heard that my message was not clear at first.
If that be the case,let my lungs howl these words with thirst,
Let this tragedy be banished to other dimensions and beyond,
For thou shalt revel in the meanings that I spawn:

"As birds would have once whispered in your ear,
Such calm preceded by the weather,
All of them lay joyful together,
All for a moment that lasted a year.

 Yet now,as spite and anguish have left the rooms,
Rooms that were so recently filled by your traitorous heart,
So too shall closure cleave throughout,
All the way through memory lane.

There's no more hope,there's no place warm,
You've sucked it all,be sure of that,
You've caused grief and so much harm,
I pity your judgement or for where it sat.

You've reveled starring as the blood was pressed out,
And that alone is a price too heavy to pay for a heart.

Judge not others when one's own judgement proves wrong,
Let bygones be bygones and walk the very path one chose."





No more!

Chase&Status-Time (Queensway remix)

Just so true kindness and wisdom can be understood,
It was even in the next day that one,after calming down,
Felt not hate or vengeance,but pity and mercy for those that had wronged her,
And although excuses are not needed,she hopes for better,for all of us.

sâmbătă, 7 decembrie 2013

The question never grows old

The post:

So it's somewhere around 5:30 AM and I'm writing (sad but true) and I'm writting on the blog.
Now listen here,I don't know if you're watching or not but the level of disappointment has reached above average.

I would never bother for something like you,especially after what you said on the phone so if you're seeing this,just stop checking this blog,it's pointless.
As I no longer mean anything to you,so do you to me. Capich ?!Lovely.glad that's settled!\

Now on to the normal post...Funny,amusing,sincere and at the same time alike,you seem to prove the ONE,yet how can fear not enter a traitorous heart?

When I've seen so much wrong done even when I was right,and even more when I was wrong?
I believed in such a person at some point yet just gave up and moved when realizing that I was the only one living in the same DREAM.

I do not wish to do same again,I have been hurt one so many times,and yet here I am doing what I always do,babbling about the same thing I always do!

I'm sincerely tired after all I've put up with it and I just need to rest and have calm and security...Are you able to provide just that?

Ellie Goulding-Only You (Special Features Remix)

I don't care about what's fair or not,
If a tooth for a tooth and what not,
But I'm sick and tired of this,
And there's this growing want that I feel,sounding like Dis!

luni, 2 decembrie 2013

When all else fails

I had started another post,but I'll leave it for another time (and quite frankly I don't know if it's even "valuable" anymore...we'll see).

When all else fails


It's fair to say that when all else fails,
When there are no more marks to lead us back on our trails,
That hope is gone,
And as cruel as a spider's sting,tragedy has won.

Yet I've been weak for far too long,
And have attached myself more than I should have.
It is because of this that I wish to be once again strong,
Even if it means to be severed and halved.

I remember faintly who I truly am,echoing with the beats of a familiar song...

I've left peace and after so much time,I feel pain.
Because of the very hands that held my stars,
Are now sentenced to wear my scars.

It was love that purchased my traitorous heart,
And for this reason...
Predestined for greatness,
Built for the final hour.

I've looked for light,but found only darkness,
I've searched for bright skies but walked in gloom.

I was destined to fall,even in the brightest days,
Among the living,I was like the dead.

I looked for justice,but it never came,
I looked for rescue,but it was far from me.

This is me,genius or not,
A stranger in my own place,
A nomad searching for its tribe,
Numb and driven mad by the sun!

My mind when I'm alone-
The Glitch Mob-Drive It Like You Stole It (Cryptex Reglitch)

Listen closely to the pace of my heart,
Follow its footsteps and purge the other part,
Engraved with runes by the purest of all beings,
I wish to be noble once more!