sâmbătă, 7 decembrie 2013

The question never grows old

The post:

So it's somewhere around 5:30 AM and I'm writing (sad but true) and I'm writting on the blog.
Now listen here,I don't know if you're watching or not but the level of disappointment has reached above average.

I would never bother for something like you,especially after what you said on the phone so if you're seeing this,just stop checking this blog,it's pointless.
As I no longer mean anything to you,so do you to me. Capich ?!Lovely.glad that's settled!\

Now on to the normal post...Funny,amusing,sincere and at the same time alike,you seem to prove the ONE,yet how can fear not enter a traitorous heart?

When I've seen so much wrong done even when I was right,and even more when I was wrong?
I believed in such a person at some point yet just gave up and moved when realizing that I was the only one living in the same DREAM.

I do not wish to do same again,I have been hurt one so many times,and yet here I am doing what I always do,babbling about the same thing I always do!

I'm sincerely tired after all I've put up with it and I just need to rest and have calm and security...Are you able to provide just that?

Ellie Goulding-Only You (Special Features Remix)

I don't care about what's fair or not,
If a tooth for a tooth and what not,
But I'm sick and tired of this,
And there's this growing want that I feel,sounding like Dis!

2 comentarii:

  1. You didn’t love her. You just didn’t want to be alone. Or maybe, maybe she was good for your ego. Or maybe she made you feel better about your miserable life, but you didn’t love her, because you don’t destroy the person that you love.

  2. Funny you should say that.

    I don't recall mentioning love in this post and even more than that,with kindness,I doubt you can could even relate to the story in any way.

    Furthermore,even if love were to appear as an idea,I guess you'd be even more wrong since only I can actually judge whether I did or did not love someone throughout my existence.

    I'd recommend using some more original text next time,it might actually fit the post!
