luni, 21 octombrie 2013

A lesson about life

For today's post I've decided to talk about an interesting idea through a head to head comparison to what hard-core gaming still means in the industry nowadays.Hope this will be fun to read and not that boring to some :P

A lesson about life

Life...Life has a strange way of putting obstacles in anyone's path from time to time.As if a personal test in order for us to regain our humanity or maybe to toughen us up or even to teach us a lesson...No matter the reason,obstacles appear in different shapes and forms.Some are easy to overcome whilst most are seemingly impossible at first.This reminds me of a game called Dark Souls.This game puts you through next to impossible situations from time to time,where the odds are never in your favor and forces the player,you,to overcome them.

What's more interesting is that the game let's you know this from the beginning as can be seen from the picture below (it's from the Debut Trailer):

And so,what can we learn from all of this,one might wonder?
The answer alone is pretty simple.


We struggle,we endure,we wipe our faces from the mud from which we just fell,we take a deep breath,and we fight.

In same way we want to finish the game,we fight because we want a certain thing (a raise,to prove a point,to succeed in something).And even though the situation starts out like this at first:

I urge you all to fight and not quit because believe me when I say this...In the same way that any boss from the game can be beaten,then so can anyone overcome any obstacle if so they desire.


    KOAN Sound & Asa - This Time Around (feat. Koo)


Keep you faith always alive,
For as the heretic shrives,
So does any passion thrive,
Like a beautiful concert,singing live!

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